


People that contribute to the Web

Pilar González
( Ph. D. in Psychology at the UAB (1981) - (see thesis). She is professor of Psychology of Groups in the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Barcelona. She is also the director of the postgraduate and master studies "Analisis y Conducción de Grupos".

Esteban Barrull
( he is a pupil and a collaborator of Pilar González. He works in the development of Psychology from the biological perspective and he is a teacher of Psychology of Groups in the University of Barcelona (UB). He studied Architecture in the UPC (1974-78) and Quantum Mechanics in the UAB (1983). Graduated in Psychology at the UAB (1985) and Ph. D. in Psychology at the UB (1992) - (see thesis). He is the responsible and the editor of the Web . 

Pascual Marteles
( He is collaborating with M.P. González and he is the coordinator and a teacher of the postgraduated and master studies of the UB "Analisis y Conducción de Grupos". Master in Education from Stanford University (1974). Ph. D. in History from the UAB (1990) - (see thesis) - and Ph. D. in Psychology from the UB (1994).



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